I remember a car I had that needed a little encouragement to get started. When I put the key in the ignition, I had to pat the dash board gently and tell the car I believed in it, that it COULD start even if it was hard. I appreciated that car getting me places and now, with 10 people in the house, I have taken that same gratitude with the appliances.
The ice dispenser was the first to shout NO. Luckily he did not align successfully with the ice maker, so we have ice, it just doesn't come out of the front of the frig in the way us spoiled people have grown accustomed.
The microwave teases us just to remind us that he's got an important role that needs to be acknowledged. Some days he works fine and others, he makes us literally push all his buttons to see which one does the trick. Some days we're down to just the popcorn button. He can't see we're warming up veggies or tepid coffee and not actually making popcorn, so we feel we've still got some power over him and not vice versa. What he may or may not know is that an unused spare sits in the basement, ready to cross the picket line should he completely strike. We will not give in to terrorists.
The dishwasher is like the guy on Survivor who can catch fish. Everyone appreciates him FOR SURE, but knows it's possible to live on rice if needed. I am definitely verbally validating the dishwasher as I load it twice a day, much like the procedure for getting my old car to start. But I know if it surrenders to the workload, there are ten pairs of ready-to-be-dish-pan hands.
Our hero is the washing machine, chugging and sloshing with its unlikely mix of king size sheets and tiny socks with skid-proof bottoms. Should it strike between loads, we would be scattering to the laundromat in between grocery runs, another unpopular necessity.
So thank you world-wide, locally based, appliance manufacturer, for employing Brother-in-law R, many of my friends and for making appliances that stand firm in the midst of mountains of dishes and fabric. You are keeping the machine of this house running smooth.
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