Friday, February 4, 2011

I have a confession to make.....

I am bi-sectional.  By that I mean that I am both a Midwesterner and Southerner.  I was born here in MI and lived here til I was seven.  Then we moved to the south.  I have been living and growing up in the south for almost 30 years.   However, I was living and growing up with MI born and bred parents.  In the south I was considered by most to be a Midwesterner..and here in MI I am now considered by most to be a Southerner.

 I have retained some of each. My Southern side love (actually addiction to) of "sweet tea", requirement of my children to use "yes mam, and no sir"...My sister tells me I have retained some of my southern accent...I still think bar-b-que is a kind of meat not a just a way of cooking....and...Y'all is a natural part of my vocabulary.  The Midwesterner in me peeks out in these ways...."pop" is always on the tip of my tongue when referring to a drink...when I was growing up I thought it was cruel for my friends parents to require my friends to call them sir and mam...I am a meat and potatoes girl, just the look of grits (and the sound of the word for that matter) makes my tummy turn.

Being bi-sectional qualifies me, I believe, for some unique insight and liberties.  One of which is that I feel I can do a little "mash-up", of sorts.  As I have recently returned to the Midwest I have had the pleasure of hearing and whole heartily enjoying the "Pure Michigan" advertisements.  And as any good Southerner, I have a great respect for Jeff Foxworthy and his "you might be a redneck, if" routines.  So here is a "Pure Michigan-Foxworthy" mash-up for you...

You might be a Michigander if....

-when you heard about the "storm of the century" you said "there is no way it is going to be that bad"  but in the back of your mind you were trying to remember where your generator is.

-stocking up means one more gallon of milk.

-you love the feeling of your hands warming up after you just scraped the snow off your car without your gloves on (again)

-you think hearing the crunch of the snow under your feet is a stress-reliever.

-you know someone that has a snow plow attachment for their pickup.

-you drive by at least one house everyday that still has their Christmas lights up

-you know someone that leaves their Christmas lights up all year long (they just don't turn them on)

-your kids play outside in the winter more than any other time of the year.

And of course the ever use your hand when explaining what part of the state you live in.

You might like to visit Michigan if...

-you like to....hunt, fish, ski (water and snow), snowboard, boat, beaches.

So if you are not already here, come for a visit...oh wait we are living at my sister's, maybe I should check with her first.  See,  I have the Southern Hospitality with the Midwestern sense of practicality. ;)